Our team has considerable experience in each of the following fields:
- Rural sales and acquisitions
- Leases and share-farming agreements
- Family asset restructuring
- Intergenerational rural transfer with exemption from stamp duty
- Land rich entity transactions
- Estate planning and business succession planning for rural businesses
- Water license transfers and acquisitions
- Land and environmental court litigation
Over the years, our team has gained knowledge and expertise in some other fields of agribusiness and rural law:
- Mushroom farming and mushroom compost production
- Dairy farms
- Turf farming
- Plant breeders’ rights
Contact us today to speak to an expert
Phone: 02 4578 3005
Email: reception@shaddick.com.au
Address: The Lachlan Centre, 155 March Street, Richmond, NSW 2753
ABN: 25 134 088 967
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.